AI solutions

Nowadays, artificial intelligence is a hot topic... and almost everyone claims to be an AI expert... Well, our experts have been dealing with AI for 30 years and they really know it! We believe that beyond Sci-Fi topics, AI is perfect for improving existing algorithms. An example of such use of artificial intelligence is the TonCut program, which, thanks to the combination of AI with classic algorithms, allows our customers to save even more time, material, and money.

Why us?

  • We improve existing algorithms, making them smarter and more efficient. Any IT system that collects data, controls processes, requires user interaction, and makes decisions is a potential candidate for improvement through artificial intelligence.
  • Our product, TonCut, has been using artificial intelligence for years. Optimizes cutting processes, minimizing losses, and maximizing the use of resources. Thanks to AI, it can find optimal solutions even for the most difficult tasks within a finite time.
  • Whether it's predictive analytics, language processing, or personalized recommendations, we'll help you choose the right solution.
  • Not all problems need to be solved immediately using AI. We are aware of this and we will not persuade you to choose an expensive solution using artificial intelligence if the same effect can be achieved using other, proven algorithms or models.


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